~ HAYDAN(HLHS) AND JORDAN - 13/11/2003 ~

Haydan and his twin Jordan turned one today. We went to see their Child Nurse for their 12 month check up. Haydan is doing fantastic and is right on track for everything, he is now 72cm & 10.27kg. Jordan is now 78.5cm & 11.1kg. Haydan is crawling, walking along furniture, saying mum, dad, hello, no & also waves. Jordan walks short distances and is also saying many words. Haydan saw his cardiologist Dr Sholler recently, he performed an Echo and said all looks great, no problems at all, Haydan even laid absolutely still like a good boy and wasn't a wriggly worm like usual! The next appointment is not for another 4 months. Haydan has been on 3.5ml aspirin once daily since coming home from the Stage 2 operation, never changing. We are extremely proud of the example he has set for future HLHS bubs, a very steady road he has travelled, God willing, it will continue.

Make a wish...

Jordan (left) and Haydan(HLHS) eating cake, Yum!

Haydan & Jordan had their 1st birthday today at 'Tic Tocs', a soft play centre. We had a disco theme party and a room to dance, sing & eat our meal. The kids played in the soft play area for a few hours.. it was so fantastic to watch. The little ones had plenty of adults helping down slides etc.


Ann & Joseph (HLHS 2) Haydan & myself, Annmarie & Lilly (HLHS 2) Patricia & Chanice (HLHS1)

We also had Lilly(hlhs 2), Joseph(hlhs 2) and Chanice(hlhs 1) come to the party with their families which helped to truly make it a special day. All 4 hlhs kids had a great time playing, keeping up with each other with the help of their families, smiling and laughing. It was a lovely day for all. Haydan and Jordan got plenty of fantastic gifts, heaps of toys and clothes, they were very lucky. After 3 hours the party ended. When we got home Haydan and Jordan slept for hours!  On the boys actual birth date, they went back to "tic tocs" to play, went shopping in "toys r us", and ate some of their own face from their birthday cake from the party a couple of days prior. Wishing all the best of luck for Haydan's 2nd year, as his first was so positive. Happy birthday Haydan(hlhs) and Jordan.




Thankyou for reading about Haydan(hlhs) and Jordan's 1st birthday experience..

~ HAYDAN(HLHS) AND JORDAN TURN 2 - 13/11/2004 ~

We had friends and family over for a small get together and it was a lovely day. They ripped into their presents with Haydan quickly tossing away books and Jordan quickly snabbling them up quickly, both absolutely enjoying discovering their new toys.


Haydan(hlhs) and Jordan are  doing very well with potty training, only wearing a nappy at bedtime. Haydan(hlhs) can ride a tricycle peddling all by himself & has a 'trot' of a run. Haydan(HLHS) and Jordan love swimming in our pool, very daring and confident. They both love playing any game involving a ball, spending a lot of time kicking and catching. Haydan loves his fruit, meat, Chocolate and ice cream, he is the great eater of the twins. Jordan is also a great eater but not a snack boy. Haydan is very active and appears to picks up all physical task faster than his brother Jordan, Jordan is better developed with his speech. They still have a day nap and are down to 10-11 hrs at night. They love Childcare for which they go 1 day a week. Haydan is making friends but pretty much staying with his brother. Haydan is now 94cm and 13.7kg, Jordan is 93cm and 13.6kg, Wow, Haydan(HLHS) is larger than Jordan!, he has always been the lighter and shorter in the past. Haydan's personality is really coming out now, he really is turning into a great child with a lovely friendly personality, loves to giggle, so cute. Jordan and Haydan(HLHS) tend to fight a lot since turning 2, though all their pretend games together, laughs and wrestles together make life good. They are also expecting a brother in a few months


Thankyou for reading about Haydan(hlhs) and Jordan's 2nd birthday experience..

Allison & Adam Olney

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