
One in every hundred babies born in Australia is diagnosed with Congenital Heart Disease. This makes Congenital Heart Disease the most common birth defect and a leading cause of neonatal and infant deaths.

One in every hundred babies born in Australia is diagnosed with Congenital Heart Disease. This makes Congenital Heart Disease the most common birth defect and a leading cause of neonatal and infant deaths.

The cause of most of these conditions is unknown. Despite this, Congenital Heart Disease research funding remains disproportionately low compared to the money available for studies into other major health issues such as cancer and adult heart disease.

Perhaps a part of the reason for this is that heart disease is a 'hidden' health problem. Many of these children do not show any obvious outward signs of their heart condition. Most people only become aware of disorders such as HLHS when a family member is diagnosed with it.

Raising community awareness is vital, not only for our own children, but also the two and a half thousand babies that are born with heart disease in Australia each year.

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