HLHS Information

Hospitals Australia


Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne

  • Fact Sheet: Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
    Synopsis: General information about HLHS including brief description of staged surgeries including Norwood, BCPC (Bidirectional Cavo-Pulmonary Connection) and Fontan (extra-cardiac conduit) operations.
  • Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
    Synopsis: General information about HLHS including more detailed description of staged surgeries including Norwood, BCPC (Bidirectional Cavo-Pulmonary Connection) and Fontan operations.
  • HLHS Booklet for Parents (March 2001)
    Synopsis: Handout for parents with detailed description of staged surgeries including Norwood, Modified Norwood (Sano), BCPC; Fontan (extra-cardiac conduit) and Intra Cardiac Fontan (Total Cavo-Pulmonary Connection)

The Children's Hospital at Westmead

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